Sustainable Development Goals & Indicator Reports: Central Statistics Office

Dr. Mary Smyth presented data related to SDG Goal 17, which focuses on partnerships for achieving SDGs. Her presentation highlighted data specifically for Ireland, using infographics and signposting various thematic reports. Her presentation emphasized the importance of data in tracking progress towards SDG 17 and provided resources for further exploration of the data.
A summary of key points and relevant links are highlighted below.
1. UN SDG 17 for Ireland
- The below infographic shows data highlighting commercial rates as a percentage of budgeted income for local authorities in Ireland.
- Other indicators include total revenue as a proportion of GDP, internet broadband connections, net official development systems, and exports.
2. Indicators for SDG 17
Goal 17 includes 24 indicators, with data sourced by the CSO:
- SDG 17.2.1 Net Official Development Assistance, Total and to Least Developed Countries, as a Proportion of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee Donors’ Gross National Income (GNI)
- SDG 17.5.1 Number of Countries that Adopt and Implement Investment Promotion Regimes for Least Developed Countries
- SDG 17.14.1 Number of Countries with Mechanisms in Place to Enhance Policy Coherence of Sustainable Development
- SDG 17.15.1 Extent of Use of Country-Owned Results Frameworks and Planning Tools by Providers of Development Cooperation
- SDG 17.16.1 Number of Countries Reporting Progress in Multi-Stakeholder Development Effectiveness Monitoring Frameworks that Support the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
- SDG 17.17.1 Amount in United States Dollars Committed to Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure
- SDG 17.7.1 Total Amount of Approved Funding for Developing Countries to Promote the
Development, Transfer, Dissemination and Diffusion of Environmentally Sound Technologies
- SDG 17.9.1 Dollar Value of Financial and Technical Assistance (Including Through North-South, South- South and Triangular Cooperation) Committed to Developing Countries
- SDG 17.12.1 Weighted Average Tariffs Faced by Developing Countries, Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States
- SDG 17.18.2 Number of Countries that have National Statistical Legislation that Complies with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
- SDG 17.18.3 Number of Countries with a National Statistical Plan that is Fully Funded and Under Implementation, by Source of Funding
- SDG 17.19.1 Dollar Value of all Resources Made Available to Strengthen Statistical Capacity in Developing Countries
Census in the Last 10 Years; and (b) Have Achieved 100 Per Cent Birth Registration and 80 Per Cent Death Registration
Selected examples from the above indicators include:
- Official Development Assistance (ODA), broadband subscriptions, and main exports.
- Ireland’s main exports (54%) go to the US, UK, or Germany.
- Indicator 17.19.2 covers the recording of births and deaths and census production, highlighting differences between developed and developing countries.
3. EU Sustainable Indicators
- The EU has its own set of sustainable indicators, reflecting the specific needs of developed countries.
- These indicators overlap with the UN list and provide a geospatial breakdown where possible.
- The CSO publishes Regional EU Sustainable Development Indicators, which can be explored via links in the infographics.
EU indicators- Goal 17
Global partnership
- SDG_17_10 Official development assistance
- SDG_17_20 EU financing to developing countries
- SDG_17_30 EU imports from developing countries
Financial governance within the EU
- SDG_17_40 General government gross debt
- SDG_17_50 Share of environmental taxes
Access to technology
CSO’s SDG: Regional EU Sustainable Development Indicators for Ireland 2022
EU Sustainable Indicators:
4. CSO Thematic Reports:
- Climate Action (Goal 13): Highlights greenhouse gas emissions by sector and a map of Europe showing the highest emitters.
- Educational Attainment: Data broken down by primary, secondary, and tertiary levels, with a county-level map and EU comparison.
- Internet Coverage and Usage: Data on household internet coverage, usage by age group, and household composition.

5. Useful Links
CSO’s SDG Statistics Publications:
Queries to CSO’s SDG email:
CSO website:
Queries can be sent to for further information.